Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 183: Keep Your Head Up

Today is a pretty significant day for us.  Today marks the official halfway point to our 366 Random Acts of Kindness.  These past 183 days have been the best days of my life.  My daughter has gone from an immobile, quiet 4 month old to being the most talkative little crawler on Earth.  There is also another reason for us to celebrate today because my daughter, for the first time, gave me a kiss.  She had done fake little ones before, but this morning she turned her head, looked at me, and went in for a smooch.  My wife was extremely jealous.  Before getting into today's random act, I thought I would have a musical interlude that tied in with this being the halfway point.  So for your listening and viewing pleasure, please enjoy Kenny Loggins' "Meet Me Halfway" from the arm wrestling classic "Over The Top."

I knew that I wanted to do something to incorporate "half" or "halfway" into my random act for Day 183, but I wasn't exactly sure what to do.  Then, during a walk with my wife and daughter, I found inspiration.  Right down the street from my house is a place called Hazelden Recovery Home, a sort of halfway house for those in the early stages of recovery from addiction.  I can only imagine how difficult of a time the residents of the house may be having, as I am sure kicking an addiction is an extremely trying task.  I figured that any added encouragement may help them through the recovery process.  So today, for my random act of kindness, my family and I are making cards of encouragement for those at the Hazelden clinic letting them know to keep their head up.  Hopefully, this will be a small part in helping those folks on their road to sobriety.


  1. Wow what a wonderful feeling to get a real kiss from your daughter. A moment to cherish forever. I can assure you there will be lots more to com. What a lovely idea on writing cards for encouragement. Keep up the great work and continue inspiring myself and others everyday.

  2. All your wonderful acts touch so many people's hearts.

  3. love this blog. thanks for sharing


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