Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day 308: Trimmed A Tree

I had a bunch of help planning the surprise visit for my sister from her roommate and best friend, Angela.  Angela, who I have known my whole life and is "my sister from another mister", set up the logistics of getting Tiffany to the airport, making sure she didn't have plans or leave town, and making sure everyone around her didn't let Tiffany know the secret.  Without her, the surprise wouldn't have gone off without a hitch.  I felt the need to thank her, but I wasn't sure exactly what to do.  A thank you card? A hug and handshake?  Nah.  Then I realized that I should find a way to do a random act for her.  Earlier today, Angela was talking about how her kitchen faucet kept leaking.  I thought I would find a way to fix the leaky faucet for her as my random act.  However, within 1 minute of trying to fix it, I realized that there was a zero percent chance that I was going to be able to.  Luckily, Angela had also mentioned that she needed to trim the palm tree in her front yard.  I've never trimmed a palm tree (or any tree for that matter) before, but I thought I would give it a go.  So today, for my random act of kindness, I trimmed a tree in Angela's front yard.  I'm pretty confident that it still needs work from a lawn care professional, but she was happy that I at least got it started.

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