Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day 178: Bought Tickets For The Cure

Yesterday was a blast being able to pass out lottery tickets.  People were so surprised when we presented them with their lottery tickets.  We didn't hang around to see if anyone won (we thought it was more fun that way), but I am hoping some people brought home some winners.  While picking out tickets we noticed one that had a pink ribbon on it.  Upon further inspection, we saw that the lottery ticket was called "Carolyn Adams' Ticket For A Cure."  The fine print showed that 100% of the net proceeds go to finding a cure for breast cancer.  At that point I decided, as redundant as it may seem, I am going to do another lottery ticket random act around these tickets.  So today, for my random act of kindness, I am going to buy tickets for the cure.  The money I spend on these tickets will automatically go towards breast cancer, but I am making the promise that, no matter how much the amount is, I will donate any winnings to breast cancer research.  If you are a fan of scratch off tickets, and don't really mind which one you play, I suggest that you play these ones.

1 comment:

  1. How nice, that's great that awareness is spreading that far, my dear friend left behind two young children, I wish that would not happen to any other woman out there!



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