Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 201: Drank Some Lemonade

I know I complain about the weather here in Chicago a lot, but this humidity is insane.  I cannot stop sweating.  The thing is I have to complain to you guys because I can't really gripe about it too much or else it gives my wife more ammo as to why we should move back to California.  I am able to fake out my wife into thinking I am ok with the temperature with a steady combination of Clean & Clear Oil Absorbing Sheets, an undershirt, and freezing cold beverages.  This afternoon was one of those times when I was desperate to find something cold to drink to cool myself down before I got home, so I decided to stop at a nearby Panera Bread.  While waiting in line, I noticed an awesome promotion going on at Panera.  Between now and Jul 31st, for every lemonade purchased at Panera, they will donate 25 cents to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.  I got pumped because, although I had one planned to do today, I was able to call an audible and perform a truly random act.  So today, for my random act of kindness, I bought and drank a giant frozen lemonade.  Not only will my body temperature start to cool, but my chilldown will actually go towards making a wish come true for a great kid! 

1 comment:

  1. My little one had a Wish granted by Make-A-Wish just last month! ( Although she is not stable enough medically to go right away, knowing that her Wish is approved, and working to get a passport (which Make-A-Wish pays for as part of her wish!) makes it easier to handle all the needle pokes and activity restrictions that she lives with day-to-day. Thank you for supporting this most excellent cause.



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