Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 51: Gave Away a Free Sandwich

I am sure most people have a frequent buyer/diner card to some place in their purse or wallet. One of those deals where if you buy 9 of something, you get your tenth one for free. Maybe it is just me, but I get really excited when I earn my free item. When I get that final stamp or hole punch, I feel like I won something (even though I'm only winning more calories and higher cholesterol). There are so many of these types of cards or free giveaways that I come across, and I always am so pumped when I am able to use them.

Recently I was watching an awards show with my wife and I started complaining when they showed the free gift bags that all of the celebrities received. I said to her, "Why do they get all of this free stuff when they could easily afford it?" The very next day, I went to a local place here in Chicago to eat, and I got the stamp for my free sandwich. When I got the stamp, I kind of felt like I was a hypocrite for ragging on the celebrities because I knew that paying for my next sandwich wasn't really outside of my means, and that there are those who could really benefit from a free meal.

So today's random act of kindness will be to give my free sandwich meal card to a homeless person near the restaurant. Moving forward, any time I get something for free as a result of my previous purchases, I am going to make sure that I give the free item to someone in need. I think it will provide a little more excitement for the person receiving it than I could ever get from earning that final stamp.


  1. You have inspired me. Keep up the good work!

  2. God bless you. How many of us have the heart to think so? Truly wonderful act.
    Warmest regards,

  3. Nice job putting things into the proper perspective.

  4. i really appreciate inspired to do the same..kudos to you!!!

  5. This is a fantastic idea - I'll do the same when I get a free Starbucks.

  6. Great idea... will copy happily! ;)

  7. The coffee shop at Chidren's Hospital of Philadelphia has a card program, and at the end of our two week stay I finished up my SECOND card. Since I have to take Babygirl there twice a week for a while, I think I'll keep my eye out for someone who can use a pick-me-up.

    BTW, I told my adult Sunday School class about this blog, and we've decided that instead of giving something up for Lent, our discipine will be to perform acts of kindness.

    You are making a difference!


  8. I just found your blog and aam blown away by your idea.....wonderful!

    I have been trying to do something similar during my life.......I love being able to give to someone who needs or just doesn't expect it.

    MOre power to you.

    Love, Lo

  9. Good Idea, I'll bet this is very rewarding!

    Bryan @ www.YourGoingToLoveThis.Com

  10. wow, you are so sweet... I'm inspired!

  11. Wow! I'm sure that man/woman was happy! I'll try that next time I get a free item :)

  12. I've been following your blog for one month. I look forward to your generosity every day, a true inspiration. Unconditional kindness is amazing. I hope you are documenting each day. Envisioning a New York Best Sellers list...

  13. 1. this is a cool idea...keep up the good work!
    2. that sandwich looks really good

    -A High School Student @

  14. I love your blog..I must say this again.

    I need more followers..and would love for you or anyone else to follow me... I'll follow you all in return. I promise. (

  15. I love it! I get really excited when I get my free item too - especially that coffee or tea freebie. Haha I love your blog! Keept it up! :)

  16. Such an all-around good blog! Thanks for the inspiration!

  17. Taking your personal sandwich and giving it to the poor. You must be Robin Hood!

  18. What a brilliant thing to do! I will try do do the same. Congrats from Big Game Hunter @

  19. Today I bought a copy of The Big Issue, and the seller was so pleased when I bought one. And you know what? A smile was plastered all over my face as I walked back home. £2.50 well spent.
    This post has really inspired me, so when I finally finish my Nandos card, the guy who sits near Tescos is having it.

  20. LasT year I did one photo each day during one year !
    So good luck i'm going to follow your blog it's original i love it !

    xoxo :P

  21. Great ideas. I bet that besides the extra boost of altruism, it's probably fun coming up with creative ways to be kind.


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